Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Friend, Manuel

Recently we had a family that saw the need for our friend and ministry partner, Manuel, to have his own transportation.  They sent enough money for us to purchase him a brand new motorcycle.  I took Manuel to look for motorcycles in Antigua, and we bought a new Yamaha 125!  Manuel was so overtaken by this.  He is 30 years old and has never had his own transportation. 

Manuel doesn't have work very often.  He does side jobs doing construction or carpentry when they are available.  He works for the local church we are a part of here in San Pedro as the song leader and occasionally preaches.  He does much outreach work and home visits through the church, but doesn't receive a dime for his work and long hours.  Because of recent visitors that saw first hand the heart and passion that Manuel has for the lost, we are now able to support Manuel with $150 per month.  I would like to up this amount.  I would like for Manuel to be supported 100% through our ministry.  He then would be able to continue working and giving his time to the church and towards outreach.  He would also be able to continue helping us with missions teams and with many of the different ministries we are involved with.  Right now, Manuel goes with me to serve at ministries I am involved with that are outside of the local church and what he is familiar with.  Manuel, is a true servant of God.

I will bless those who bless you,
Genesis 12:3

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