Kim and I had the blessing to go to Guatemala City November 7th - 14th. This was our first trip to Guatemala and to the people that God has told us to go. What an amazing experience this trip was to us. Words cannot begin to describe the need for Christ that we saw in this country. Guatemala is ranked by the UN as 120th of the world's 173 countries based on criteria such as income, life expectancy, school enrollment and literacy. That's the lowest of any North, Central, or South American country. In 1996 a Peace Agreement was signed that ended a 36 year civil war, an estimated 200,000 Guatemalans had been killed, a million made homeless, and untold thousands had disappeared. Our trip opened our eyes even more for the need for our family to move to this country and share Christ with the people. During this week long trip we witnessed an unknown total of people to accept Christ for the first time. We had the opportunity to do VBS in three different places. We fed some of the people of the dump with much needed physical nutrition while praying with them and sharing the Gospel (meeting their much needed spiritual nutrition). I have posted a few of the images here on this blog that we saw each day. You can see more of the images on my facebook page There is story after story I would like to share with you, but this blog page could not hold all the information. I hope to get to share some of these stories with each of you face to face in the coming months. I plan to go back in March for 3 weeks. Please keep our family in your constant prayers as we continue to try and be obedient to the call God has given us on the people of Guatemala.
In Christ,
Danny Lopez
Where some of the 100,000 dump dwellers live.
The Alverez family needs our prayers.
Some boys at the Tabitha House before having to send them back
out into the dump.
Children in the kitchen of the Tabitha House.
Happy faces of the dump kids at the Tabitha House.
Street VBS in Zone 5 of Guatemala City.
Children that follow you waiting to receive part of your lunch.