Monday, October 15, 2012
An Eerie Tradition
Traditionally in Guatemala, on November 1st, loved ones visit the graves of those who have passed from this world into the next. They decorate their ancestors’ tombs with flowers and candles and eat fiambre (simply described as a traditional dish, served cold, containing a large and varied assortment of pickled vegetables and meats). It’s the Day of the Dead, and in Santiago Sacatepéquez, a town not far from Antigua, the skies fill with a myriad of colorful, handmade kites.
Preparation for the Day of the Dead celebration in Santiago Sacatepéquez begins forty days before November 1st, when young people form groups and begin the construction of the kites. Traditionally, young men did most of the work, but today young women also make kites. Together, they discuss and select themes for the intricately designed kites. Themes may be political, religious or cultural and often draw on events from national news.
All kite materials used are natural. The glue is made from yucca flour mixed with pieces of lemon peel and water. Ropes used for kite strings are made from maguey, the same plant from which tequila alcohol is extracted. The tails of the kites are made from woven cloth. The frames of the smaller kites are made by weaving the stalks of castilla, a plant similar to wheat, which is farmed near Santiago. And the largest kite frames are made from bamboo gathered on the coast.
Prior to the Day of the Dead, on the last Sunday in October, the people of Santiago have a competition to determine the best kite. Kites are judged based on their colors, construction, designs, and topics. The townspeople usually show the greatest appreciation for kites involving the most intricate and difficult details and favor themes from ancestral Maya culture.
On November 1st at 4 AM, the cemetery of Santiago Sacatepéquez begins to fill with families carrying floral wreaths and branches of flowers to the tombs of their deceased. While cleaning, repainting and adorning their family tombs, people chat with neighbors, fondly reminiscing about the deceased. They pray together by the tombs and share food with each other. Outside the cemetery, vendors sell special holiday treats and the ever-favorite atol de maíz (hot corn drink). The bells of the church chime to announce mass, and groups of young people, carrying kites as banners, begin arriving at the cemetery. They wait for a strong wind to raise their giant kites to the skies.
The tradition of flying kites in the cemeteries of Guatemala on the Day of the Dead dates back at least 111 years. During this special time of year, when the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead is believed to be most porous, people attach hand-written messages to the tails of the kites. These messages are intended to reach the heavenly spirits when the kites ascend to the sky, letting them know that they are wanted and guiding them on their journey from heaven to earth. The kites test the winds and signal the spirits until four in the afternoon, when they are lowered and families gather at home to await the arrival of the souls.
At 4 AM on November 2nd, the townspeople begin moving back towards the cemetery with candles in their hands so the spirits who have been with them all night can return home. As the holiday winds down, smaller children demolish their kites as a signal to the spirits that their earthly visit is over and that they must now return to heaven. The giant kites, which have stayed in good shape, are raised to the air one final time. It is believed that the oldest spirits are the last to leave and the giant kites help lead them back to heaven. Later the kites are burned inside the cemetery in hope that the rising smoke will guide any vagabond spirits back to heaven.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
October Update
Our children, Brayden and Brianna, are finishing up their last days of school for the year. This week they have had final exams. Next week will be practice each day for their end of the year program. Their program will be October the 15th. After that, they have summer break until January. In January, Brianna will be entering kindergarten at Colegio Boston in Ciudad Vieja and Brayden will be entering the 3rd grade at Colegio Kayala in San Pedro Las Huertas.
Our family is looking forward to the visit home to Alabama in November. All of us are very excited to see family and friends. We are also looking forward to visiting with several different churches and pastors to share about the ministry here in Guatemala. I will be in Alabama from November 1st through November 30th. Kim, Brayden, and Brianna will be in Alabama from November 1st through December 13th. I have to be back because of obligations with the youth camp and VBS with it being summer break here in Guatemala for the kids.
Our ministry has big plans for the new year. We are continuing our Feeding Center program in San Cristobal El Bajo. We plan to make the program even better this next year and have quarterly big activities. Our youth group has grown tremendously over the past year. So much that we had to split the group into two nights per week. Our 12-14 year olds now meet every Thursday night and our 15-18 year olds meet on every Friday night. We are planning to have even more big activities throughout the next year, and are planning to plug the group into the local church even more. We will have 2 church services this next year that will be led by the youth. There are so many new plans for this coming year that I cannot list all of them on here right now. We plan to share most of the new plans at churches when we visit Alabama in November.
Our family is looking forward to the visit home to Alabama in November. All of us are very excited to see family and friends. We are also looking forward to visiting with several different churches and pastors to share about the ministry here in Guatemala. I will be in Alabama from November 1st through November 30th. Kim, Brayden, and Brianna will be in Alabama from November 1st through December 13th. I have to be back because of obligations with the youth camp and VBS with it being summer break here in Guatemala for the kids.
Our ministry has big plans for the new year. We are continuing our Feeding Center program in San Cristobal El Bajo. We plan to make the program even better this next year and have quarterly big activities. Our youth group has grown tremendously over the past year. So much that we had to split the group into two nights per week. Our 12-14 year olds now meet every Thursday night and our 15-18 year olds meet on every Friday night. We are planning to have even more big activities throughout the next year, and are planning to plug the group into the local church even more. We will have 2 church services this next year that will be led by the youth. There are so many new plans for this coming year that I cannot list all of them on here right now. We plan to share most of the new plans at churches when we visit Alabama in November.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Broke Down
Our truck is broke down. This past Monday, as I was on my way to the Tabitha House in Guatemala City, my truck broke down on the side of the road in San Lucas, Sacatepequez. I had to have a wrecker pick it up and take it back to San Pedro for me. The camshaft is broken in two pieces. There are some other parts that are also broken. I am searching for some used parts and hopefully will have it up and running by next week. We had to call off youth group last night. The teens that come on Thursday nights are between the ages of 12 and 14. It is too dangerous for them to walk home at night. We thought it best to just call it off for this week. I am still trying to decide about the youth group for tonight. They are all wanting to come really bad, but I think it is too dangerous for them as well. They are between the ages of 15 and 18. I am using my motorcycle to drive back and forth around Antigua and to the City for now. Everything is going fine with that, I just can´t take the help that usually goes with me each week. Please be in prayer that the truck will be fixed soon. It is a crucial part of our ministry work each week. It is used to carry people back and forth to church on Sundays, for the youth on Thursdays and Fridays, and for Tabitha House and Esteban House in the City on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thanks for the prayers and have a blessed weekend!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
September Update
It’s coming on the end of September. The rain is heavy and long each day now as
the rainy season is coming to an end as well.
Brayden and Brianna are finishing up school with only one month left in
this school year. Kim and I have been
looking at some different options for Brayden for the new school year which
starts in January. The private school
that they both attend is a very good school and it is bilingual, but it is also
very expensive. We are looking at some
other private school options for him to attend next year that are about half
the cost where he has attended the past two years. Brianna still needs a bilingual school. So we will send her another year to the same
private bilingual school.
We are all ready for our visit home to Alabama in November. We have had a busy year and are ready for a
break and to see family and friends.
During our trip home in November we will be sharing at several
churches. We are not going to overbook
ourselves as we did last year as we shared at ten different churches in a four
week time period. This year we plan to
share at four or five churches and to get to spend a little more time visiting
with family. We will also be working on
raising the needed support for another year in the field.
Our ministry has many needs as it continues to grow. We are in need of a 12 or 15 passenger
van. We have $8,500 saved so far towards
this ministry expense. We are looking at
a goal of between $10,000 and $15,000 to get us the dependable van we are
looking for. This ministry van will be
used every week to pick up and drop off families in our Sunday bus route. Currently, we are using our pick-up truck to
haul passengers back and forth. It will
also be used each week to pick up and drop off teenagers on Thursday and Friday
nights. Again, we are currently using
our truck and making multiple trips on these nights for our youth group. The ministry van would also be used to help
the church when they need to make group trips to Guatemala City for conferences
and association activities. In addition,
it would be used for all mission teams that come and visit from the
States. This would save us money in the
long run with not having to rent a van each time a group comes to visit.
Our ministry is also in need of land to purchase for a
future missions compound. We are
currently renting two houses to meet our needs.
Our vision is to purchase a piece of property large enough to build a
mission team house, missionary family house, fellowship/dining hall (to be used
for the youth to meet as well), and a work shed. The first plan is to buy the land and then
start building one thing at a time as the funds are available.
We are very thankful for all those who partner with us
financially. You are the ones that pay
our bills. You send our kids to school,
put food on our table, put fuel in our truck, support many families and provide
improvements to many homes, and much more.
We know that without your help none of this would be possible. In order for us to be able to continue to
live in Guatemala as missionaries we need your continual support. We need churches, families, and individuals
to partner with us on a monthly basis.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The Joy of Tabitha
The joy of the Tabitha House is something that you cannot describe well in words. You have to experience it firsthand. With being blessed to get the opportunity to work with these children on a weekly basis, I can clearly say that they bring me joy. Every week when I walk through the front door I am greeted with a big welcome song from each class, and a hug from each child. That is how I start my days at Tabitha. Always with a big smile and big hug. It tends to warm the heart with receiving such love as these children give. Without going into much detail, I can say that each of these children come from some of the worst homes, living conditions, and abuse that any of us could ever begin to even imagine. The Tabitha House has rescued these children from having to spend their entire day in the city dump rummaging through peoples garbage for what they can find. At Tabitha they receive love from their teachers, two meals per day, learn Christian songs, Bible, learn some of the things that a preschooler might learn in school, and much more. I have watched many of these children grow up over the past 4 years. I have also watched how Tabitha has grown and how the children have constantly changed for the good in so many different ways. They feel a sense of "safety" when they walk through the doors and always receive love. I think of the scripture that Matthew wrote in Matthew 19:14, But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of heaven. I like the way the NIV puts it, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these". Jesus would welcome all the dirty, poor, sinful children that others would not. Jesus' own disciples were turning these children away as the people were bringing them to Jesus to lay hands on them and bless them by praying for them. I ask you who are reading this to take a few minutes of your time and scroll down through the photos on this page. As you do so, pray for them. You may not know their names or their situations, but you can pray on their behalf. Pray for their safety. Pray for their health. Pray for their decisions. And pray most of all for their eternal life.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
November Visit Home
Thanks to many people from Fairview Church of God, brothers and sisters in Christ from other Church of God churches in Alabama, and a few other people from around the United States - our family will be able to come home for a visit during the month of November! We are so excited to get to come home and visit family, friends, and churches during this time. Brayden and Brianna finish up the school year mid-October. They will be out of school all of November and December for summer break, and begin their new school year in January. Kim and the kids will be able to make a little longer visit. They will be in the States from November 1st - December 13th. I will be in the States from November 1st - November 29th. I have obligations here in Guatemala the first of December. Kim and the kids will be able to visit with family for 2 weeks after I have to leave to come back here. We are booking churches now to share at during our visit. If you would like us to come and share at your church then send us an email at Our schedule will be tight and our time limited. We will attempt to visit as many churches as we can as we did last year. We hope to see you while we are home!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Ministry Van
We are still in need of a ministry van. We have several uses for a 15 passenger van. It would save us from renting when missions teams come from the States. This would save us tons of money that is being used just towards rentals. This money could be used for vehicle upkeep on a ministry van and towards keeping our truck in top condition as well. I am still picking people up for church every Sunday. Right now, I make 2 trips out in my pick-up truck and fill the bed of the truck with people. I am also picking up and taking home youth every Friday night. Lately it has been raining a lot and they pile as many as they can in the cab, but many are still left out in the bed to get wet. Many of the people here are sick because of all the rain. God has provided us with $8,500 towards a ministry van so far. I am confident that He will provide the rest needed. We have a new goal to reach of $15,000 for this van. That will get us a newer model, turbo diesel that will hold 15 passengers.
Monday, July 23, 2012
2013 Missions Team Opportunities
2013 Missions Team Opportunities:
December 27, 2012 - January 3, 2013 (Full)
March 23, 2013 - March 30, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
March 30, 2013 - April 6, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
May 31, 2013 - June 7, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
June 7, 2013 - June 14, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
July 5, 2013 - July 12, 2013 (Full)
July 15, 2013 - July 22, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
July 26, 2013 - August 2, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
December 27, 2013 - January 3, 2014 (available up to 14 persons)
Above is our open schedule for missions teams for 2013. We have limited the number of team members to 14. This will help us with logistics in housing, transportation, and ministry. This schedule does not include dates for any individual families that would like to visit us and the ministry. This years cost has changed to $450 per person do to the past years expenses. We do not make any profit on missions teams. Every dime is spent towards transportation, housing, food, translators, and ministry expenses while your team is here.
December 27, 2012 - January 3, 2013 (Full)
March 23, 2013 - March 30, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
March 30, 2013 - April 6, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
May 31, 2013 - June 7, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
June 7, 2013 - June 14, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
July 5, 2013 - July 12, 2013 (Full)
July 15, 2013 - July 22, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
July 26, 2013 - August 2, 2013 (available up to 14 persons)
December 27, 2013 - January 3, 2014 (available up to 14 persons)
Above is our open schedule for missions teams for 2013. We have limited the number of team members to 14. This will help us with logistics in housing, transportation, and ministry. This schedule does not include dates for any individual families that would like to visit us and the ministry. This years cost has changed to $450 per person do to the past years expenses. We do not make any profit on missions teams. Every dime is spent towards transportation, housing, food, translators, and ministry expenses while your team is here.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Are You Tired For the Right Reasons?
Therefore, my beloved
brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58
How tired are you? That is the question that I asked over and over to the ones that came to serve alongside us the past 6 weeks. Are you tired for the right reasons? Are you tired because you gave everything you had for Jesus the entire day or for some other unimportant reason? This thought has constantly stayed with me during the time the summer missions teams have stayed with us. When you put your head on your pillow at night, are you so totally exhausted from serving the Lord all day that you go fast to sleep? That is a good kind of tired! Take a look in chapter 4 of the Book of John. Even when Jesus had stopped to rest from a tiring journey He shared the good news of taking a water that you will never have thirst again. I find that the days I am tired from some other reason besides serving the King - I have no peace. The days I go to bed and I am not exhausted - I am not happy. Let us all strive to be tired from each day because we served the Lord. In that He will give us peace, comfort, and rest.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Monday, April 16, 2012
A Change for Ashley
Ashley before treatment |
Ashley after treatment |
Please continue to be in prayer for Ashley. As you can tell from the photos, she is doing much better. Her skin disease is, however, a constant battle. We treated her with 7 days of Doxiciclina, Bactroban, and Hibiclens. She is still using the Hibiclens wash daily. The smile on her face says it all. She is feeling much better. Ashley and her family would like to thank everyone for the prayers that were sent out to God in her name.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Upcoming Schedule
We would like to ask for your prayers for the upcoming visits from family, friends, and churches.
April 26 - May 11 Danny's parents visit
May 24-27 Family Mexico trip (for Visa's)
June 2-9 Church Missions team
June 9-16 Church Missions team
June 18-28 Church Missions team
July 2-9 Family Missions team
July 9-16 Church Missions team
April 26 - May 11 Danny's parents visit
May 24-27 Family Mexico trip (for Visa's)
June 2-9 Church Missions team
June 9-16 Church Missions team
June 18-28 Church Missions team
July 2-9 Family Missions team
July 9-16 Church Missions team
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Prayers for Ashley
We would like to ask that everyone to continue to be in prayer for little Ashley. She continues to battle a skin disease that the doctors here say is an allergy to the sun. She gets inflammation and infection all over her body. She is doing much better at the moment after we have given her a strong oral antibiotic, topical antibiotic, and Hibiclens anti-bacterial wash. We are working on getting her to Guatemala City to see a specialist to try and determine what she actually has. We believe she also has a staph infection that is coming out, but is a separate problem than her skin disease. Please lift little Ashley up in your prayers.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Another Child Sponsored
We now have another child sponsored through Buena Vista Ministerios!
Rosario is 11 years old and lives in the Satelite City near Guatemala City. She is one of seven children and her family would fall into one of the lowest categories as far as being poor. Rosario started the 3rd grade this January. She has been going to a public school in her area. Many public schools here in Guatemala do not have a good school program or education for the children. Rosario is a very intelligent child that needed a better education and to be challenged to meet her potential. Because of the generosity and compassion from a family in Alabama, she will now be changing schools to a private school. This private school will help Rosario catch up to where she should be with her education. It will challenge her and can help her have a better future. I am very excited for Rosario and will continue to encourage her with this new step to better herself and her family. Please pray for Rosario. Pray that she will understand the importance of her education, and understand that this opportunity can change her life.
Rosario is 11 years old and lives in the Satelite City near Guatemala City. She is one of seven children and her family would fall into one of the lowest categories as far as being poor. Rosario started the 3rd grade this January. She has been going to a public school in her area. Many public schools here in Guatemala do not have a good school program or education for the children. Rosario is a very intelligent child that needed a better education and to be challenged to meet her potential. Because of the generosity and compassion from a family in Alabama, she will now be changing schools to a private school. This private school will help Rosario catch up to where she should be with her education. It will challenge her and can help her have a better future. I am very excited for Rosario and will continue to encourage her with this new step to better herself and her family. Please pray for Rosario. Pray that she will understand the importance of her education, and understand that this opportunity can change her life.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
It's Official!
It's official! Anna Craig is our 2012 summer intern!
Anna is a freshman at Ole Miss working toward a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. She hopes to become a pediatrician and has an interest in medical missions. In her free time, she enjoys singing, playing guitar, exercising, reading, and talking with her friends. Her favorite worship song is "Restless" by Audrey Assad. Her favorite bible verse is Ephesians 3:20-21. Anna's parents played an enormous role in encouraging her to continue growing in Christ after she became a Christian at 6 years old. It was a slow and steady walk. However, when she was 16, she started attending Central Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama where her faith grew and relationship with God deepened immensely. She is thankful for her family and church for helping her to grow in Christ and is very excited to help the Lopez' this summer.
Anna will be serving alongside us in the ministry from June 1 - July 9 of this year. She will be helping lead 4 to 5 missions teams during her stay. Anna will also play an important role in encouraging both the Guatemalans and the Americans with her joyful spirit and talent in music. You will be hearing from Anna and her experiences in this blog throughout her stay.
Anna is a freshman at Ole Miss working toward a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. She hopes to become a pediatrician and has an interest in medical missions. In her free time, she enjoys singing, playing guitar, exercising, reading, and talking with her friends. Her favorite worship song is "Restless" by Audrey Assad. Her favorite bible verse is Ephesians 3:20-21. Anna's parents played an enormous role in encouraging her to continue growing in Christ after she became a Christian at 6 years old. It was a slow and steady walk. However, when she was 16, she started attending Central Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama where her faith grew and relationship with God deepened immensely. She is thankful for her family and church for helping her to grow in Christ and is very excited to help the Lopez' this summer.
Anna will be serving alongside us in the ministry from June 1 - July 9 of this year. She will be helping lead 4 to 5 missions teams during her stay. Anna will also play an important role in encouraging both the Guatemalans and the Americans with her joyful spirit and talent in music. You will be hearing from Anna and her experiences in this blog throughout her stay.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
A Women of Hope, Patience, and Faith
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. *Romans 12:12
This scripture is what I think Norma has lived out over the past year and a half. She has been able to be happy because of the hope she has been given through her salvation because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She has been patient; even though not having a home to live in for herself and her 5 young children and 2 young sisters after losing it to a mudslide in May of 2010. She has been in constant prayer trusting that God would provide a new home for her one day.
That day is now! After 2 months of slow construction, Norma will be moving into her new home this weekend! Her and her kids are very excited! The youngest one, Alen (3 yrs), said this just last week, "Momma, that's my house!" Praise the Lord for providing a home for this special family that is so dear to me!
I will be going to take pictures tomorrow of the NEW HOUSE! I will post them in a blog tomorrow evening.
This scripture is what I think Norma has lived out over the past year and a half. She has been able to be happy because of the hope she has been given through her salvation because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She has been patient; even though not having a home to live in for herself and her 5 young children and 2 young sisters after losing it to a mudslide in May of 2010. She has been in constant prayer trusting that God would provide a new home for her one day.
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Norma with 3 of her daughters and 1 of her sisters |
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Beverly (12 yrs). Sister of Norma that was abandoned by her mother and now lives with Norma. |
Jonathan and Natasha with Sid and Brayden. 2 of Norma's oldest children. |
Alen. Norma's youngest. |
Melony. The other young sister to Norma that was abandoned and now lives with Norma. |
Jocelyn. Another one of Norma's beautiful children. |
Ashley. Norma's youngest daughter. |
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